Monday 25 July 2011

The three branches of any Government

In my last blog I talked about different levels of Government(Central, State & Local) and different Roles(Legislature, Executive& Judiciary) - In this blog we will briefly see what each of the Role/Branch does as this context is required to discuss about any level of Government.

This branch of Government is responsible for creation of laws. MP's , MLA's and Councillors come under this category(you will see more about them in future blogs).

Decisions like raising taxes are taken here, this branch also acts as a "watch dog" to ensure that people in executive do their job correctly. They can question any minister(Executive) on a any topic which falls under his/her responsibility and the minister is duty bound to respond.

So if some Govt work is not happening, you would need to bring it to the notice of your "Legislators", they will take up the concerned minister/department to task and get your job done!

This is the department that is responsible for "doing the work" - Legislators tell "what to do", executive executes that work! . People like Prime Minister, Chief Minister, & Municipal Commissioner come under this category.

E.g.: Legislators decide that : "Park has to be created at xyz place"
       Executive: Is responsible for actually "Creating the park!"

Though responsibility lies with the prime minister/chief minister/cabinet ministers - the work would actually be done  by multiple departments involving many people like IAS,IPS officials etc.,

This is the department that is responsible for interpreting the laws and resolving disputes. Supreme courts, High courts, District courts etc., come under Judiciary.

They handle multiple things from resolving property issues, marriage issues, thefts and murders to deciding on the way river waters have to shared between states and ensuring that union and state governments are following the constitution correctly!

You may always be wondering why courts let away so many guilty folks and why it takes so much time to close a case? the following principle of Judiciary could probably explain:

"Let hundred guilty be acquitted but one innocent should not be punished" 

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